Belbari Multiple Campus

Gyanendra Subedi


Dear Stakeholders/Visitors/Students and well-wishers of BMC! First of all I would like to welcome to all of you at Belbari Multiple Campus by personally on behalf of the Chaireman and on behalf of BMC whole Family. It gives me immense pleasure to recall the most prominant contributers of BMC establishment that I am honored to be the chairman of this prestigeous Campus. Belbari Multiple Campus is a sacred educational institution that lives in public participation. Established to provide higher education at affordable rates especially to the poor and underprivileged students of the society, students from the Belbari area and its surroundings including Hilly and Himalayan districts are studying at BMC. We are offering the quality higher education at graduate level for more than a half decade ceaselessly as a community Campus. We have been attempting to be one of the most prominent Community Educational Institutions in Nepal that nurtures creativity and innovation at the field of research and creativity. Your commitment to education and dedication to BMC have played a crucial role in shaping the future of our students. Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. In the ever-evolving landscape of the educational sector, I encourage all students to embrace the opportunities and challenges that come your way. Your time at BMC is a crucial chapter in your academic and personal development. Our institution is committed to providing you with not just a curriculum but an environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a passion for lifelong learning. We aim to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate an increasingly complex world. Once again, thank you for being an integral part of our educational family. Your contributions and labour are truly appreciated, and we remain committed to delivering quality education perpectually. Thanks All.