
स्नातक तह प्रथम वर्ष नियमित तर्फका बिद्यार्थीहरुलाई परीक्षा फारम भर्ने सूचना।


Admission Open for 2081/82

Admission Open for 2081/82

Belbari Multiple Campus
Belbari Multiple Campus
स्नातक : स्नातक ..read More.. | Admission Open for 2081/82 : Admission Open for 2081/82..read More.. | बर्षे विदा सम्बन्धमा : बर्षे विदा सम्बन्धमा..read More.. |

About Us

Belbari Multiple Campus (BMC) was established in 2008 AD (2065 B.S) as a community (Public) Campus of Nepal with the significant efforts of leading academicians, social activists, politicians and local people to commence the higher quality education  for its students at affordable costs. Situated in the heart of Belbari Municipality -3, just far from about 200 meters from Mahendra Highway, Morang Koshi Province of Nepal, the TU affiliated BMC stands as an emerging community Campus to develop not only Belbari Municipality as a Sacred Educational Center but also it aims to be “The Best Educational Public Institution” for serving quality education around Eastern Region of Nepal at first and as a whole country in forthcoming days. Since its establishment date, BMC has been offering the major three faculties: Management (BBS), Humanities and Social Sciences (B.A) and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) respectively with highly satisfactorily results. Most of the graduates produced from the Campus have been able to obtain employment opportunities in different private and government sectors. It is also evident that the community has been highly benefited by the program offered by the Campus.

The Campus has its own grand building with available land of 4 Bigaha, 3 Kattha and 7 Dhur as its property. The regular grant received from University Grant Commission (UGC), fees collected from its students, and funds received from Nepal Accounting and Legal Practioners Association Nagar Samiti Belbari, Morang are the main sources of income for the Campus. Apart from this, the work of planting 6,000 betel nut saplings and establishing the Belbari Multiple Campus Endoment Fund for Distitute (BMCEFD) has been established, aiming one crore funds upto Asar 2081, from this fiscal year for the sustainable income source of the Campus. Additionally, BMC has been attempting to fulfill the entire criterion set by UGC for participatipating in the system of Qaulity Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) process from this year. Accordingly, an EMIS Unit has already formed and other essential committees like Research and Management Cell (RMC), Student Circular Committee (SQC) and so on are in the process to be formed for strengthening the internal aspect of BMC.

BMC emphasizes effectiveness of quality education through ICT based teaching-learning practices, enterpreneurship education, research oriented cultural pattern for both teachers and its students by standing in the line of UGC-QAA. BMC believes in experienced knowledge rather than bookish one and it teaches students how to learn and integrate disciplines, ethicts, norms and values and to solve problems collaboratively, rather than to sit at desks facing forward, moving from subject to subject in isolation. BMC focuses the extra-curricular activities, exploring talent of students through weekly program named Friday Opportunity of BMC, experienced and dedicated teachers, peaceful and cozy environment, equitable and inclussivness education system, scholarship to the marginalized and intellegent students and facility of free basic computer course to its students are the basic features of BMC.


Belbari Multiple Campus

Belbari Municipality ward no. -3,

Morang, Koshi Province, Nepal

Email: belbaricampus772@gmail.com









"Improving the Traditional Education System: A Basis for Building a Competent, Civilized and Prosperous Nation." (“परम्परागत शिक्षा प्रणालीमा सुधार: सक्षम, सुसंस्कृत र समृद्ध देश निर्माणको आधार।”)


"One of the best community campuses in Nepal that sets the foundation for making human beings capable, cultured, happy, prosperous and advanced by bringing changes in human behavior through education." (“शिक्षाको माध्यमबाट मानव व्यवहारमा परिवर्तन ल्याई मानवलाई सक्षम, सुसंस्कृत, सुखी, समृद्ध र समुन्नत बनाउन आधार तय गर्ने नेपालकै एक उत्कृष्ट सामुदायिक क्याम्पस।՚՚)


Making education technology-friendly, skill-oriented, practical and quality-oriented, producing manpower that can do it in the country and compete at the national and international level. (शिक्षालाई प्रविधिमैत्री, सीपमूलक, व्यावहारिक र गुणस्तरीय बनाई स्वदेशमा नै गरीखान सक्ने एव राष्‍ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्‍ट्रिय स्तरमा प्रतिष्पर्धा गर्नसक्ने जनशक्ति उत्पादन गर्ने)


1. Ensuring easy and equitable access to universal education for children of all backgrounds. (विश्व विद्यालयीय शिक्षामा सबै अवस्थाका बालबालिकाहरूको सहज र समतामूलक पहुँचको सुनिश्चिवत गर्नु।)
2. Timely improvements in educational quality by creating technological learning environment. (प्रविधियुक्त सिकाइ वातावरण सिर्जना गरीशैक्षिक गुणस्तरमा समयानुकूल सुधार गर्नु।)
3. To create an environment in which the inherent talent of the students can emerge and develop. (विद्यार्थीमा भएको अन्तर्निहित प्रतिभाको प्रस्फुटन तथा विकास हुने वातावरण सृजना गर्नु।)
4. Developing the capacity of campus stakeholders. (क्याम्पसका सरोकारवालाहरूको क्षमतामा विकास गर्नु।)
5. To make campus governance, transparency and managerial aspects relevant. क्याम्पसको सुशासन, पारदर्शिता र व्यवस्थापकीय पक्षलार्इ समय सान्दर्भिक बनाउनु ।
6. Transforming students into citizens with research-oriented and life-useful skills. (विद्यार्थीहरुलार्इ अनुसन्धानमुखी र जीवनोपयोगी सीपयुक्त नागरिकका रुपमा रुपान्तरण गर्नु।)

Message From Campus Chief

Dear students and stakeholders of BMC! Its my immense pleasure to welcome to all of you at BMC personally on behalf of myself and on behalf of whole BMC Family. Education is the foundation of civilization and the lamp of life. It guides the individual, society, community and nation on the right path. Education also does the job of bringing backward people and communities to the path of development by making them understand their rights and duties. Education is also a formal process of imparting responsibility by passing on the experience to the new generation. We have actually reached this moment of development of education through the efforts of the elders who developed educational institutions of different levels and developed Belbari as an educational center. Gaining energy from these successful efforts of the elders, Sri Bhagawati Ma.Vi became a higher insttuition to conduct + 2 Education in 2060. It has been established as an educational center in Belbari. It is well known that this higher education was actually the foundation of the establishment of Belbari Bahumukhi Campus in 2065. As per the desire of our ancestors to develop Belbari municipality as an educational center, Belbari Multiple Campus is trying to develop according to the age. In this regard, we expect that this holy educational campaign will prove to be milestone in building a civilized and dynamic society. In this way, we believe that BMC will be successful in conducting this high-quality, practical, educational program against various challenges, if this campus receives the sacred support of the people truth in thought, word, and deed. Establishing a campus and running it continuously is sometimes a challenging task. We have arrived at a similar critical juncture of campus management and running BMC continuously in accordance with its mission vision, goals and objectives is actually a challenge that stands before us. With the cooperation and efforts of all parties, the campus has reached its present state. It seems that we have to face many more challenges in order to transform this campus, which is currently struggling to the left, into a player who can run as an efficient runner. By continuously facing these challenges, we want to see this campus established as one of the top campuses in the country. Belbari Multiple Campus Belbari -3, Morang ...Read More

Message From Chairman Of Chairman

Dear Stakeholders/Visitors/Students and well-wishers of BMC! First of all I would like to welcome to all of you at Belbari Multiple Campus by personally on behalf of the Chaireman and on behalf of BMC whole Family. It gives me immense pleasure to recall the most prominant contributers of BMC establishment that I am honored to be the chairman of this prestigeous Campus. Belbari Multiple Campus is a sacred educational institution that lives in public participation. Established to provide higher education at affordable rates especially to the poor and underprivileged students of the society, students from the Belbari area and its surroundings including Hilly and Himalayan districts are studying at BMC. We are offering the quality higher education at graduate level for more than a half decade ceaselessly as a community Campus. We have been attempting to be one of the most prominent Community Educational Institutions in Nepal that nurtures creativity and innovation at the field of research and creativity. Your commitment to education and dedication to BMC have played a crucial role in shaping the future of our students. Education is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. In the ever-evolving landscape of the educational sector, I encourage all students to embrace the opportunities and challenges that come your way. Your time at BMC is a crucial chapter in your academic and personal development. Our institution is committed to providing you with not just a curriculum but an environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a passion for lifelong learning. We aim to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate an increasingly complex world. Once again, thank you for being an integral part of our educational family. Your contributions and labour are truly appreciated, and we remain committed to delivering quality education perpectually. Thanks All. ..Read More


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